Bal Sanskar Shala

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Enlightening literature of revered Pandit Shri Ram Sharma Acharyaji has been emphasising BAL SANSKAR -BUILDING OF THE CHILD for building the NATION. It has inspired AWGP members to run BAL Sanskar Shalas all over the world by refinement and development of personality for health, happiness and harmony through JIVAN VIDYA.

CHETNA SANKARAN NETWORK MODEL FOR SUPPORTING ACTIVITIES OF SANSKAR SHALAS is developed on trial bases for synergizing human material resources to make children-teen agers spiritually, emotionally, physically and intellectually strong enough to encounter any challenge of life bravely.
Comprehensive learning package and support system made available/accessible to promote exposure to their innermost strength are developing and increasing zeal for learning and doing making them avoid the use of TV and mobiles. Their efforts are nurtured by providing emotional security for inculcating truth and honesty delightfully. Each and every person, family, society, street, or school can develop this model any time anywhere even with meagre resources for child empowerment by making them capable enough to use Information Technology with discernment, that is the need of the time. Here are some glimpses.

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